Sadekin Khan
Some things I've done:- Emulators:
- Class Projects at Berkeley (Note: I am not allowed to share my code here according to university policies)
- CS61A
- Hog (dice simulation strategy-based game; implemented core logic)
- Cats (typing speed measurer; autocorrection)
- Ants vs. Some Bees (fun and addictive game; OOP paradigm)
- Scheme Interpreter (recursive descent parser; syntactic analysis for input parsing)
- CS61B
- 2048 (fun game; implemented core logic)
- Deques (implementation + application to simulate plucking of virtual guitar string)
- NGordnet (NGrams) (replica of Google Ngrams)
- NGordnet (Wordnet) (replica of Princeton's Wordnet)
- Build Your Own World (random dungeon generator via Prim's algo; breadth-first search; manually Photoshopped Zelda-inspired tiles; demo)
- Math 124
- The Trapped Knight (see Numberphile video)
- Random Maze (recursion)
- Triangular Mesh Generator (Delaunay refinement algorithm)
- Image Segmentation (simplified Chan-Vese segmentation algorithm)
- Neural Networks for Optical Character Recognition (multilayer perceptron w/ a single hidden layer)
- Data 8
- World Progress (analysis of global trends: population growth, decline of child mortality rate, decline of poverty)
- Cardiovascular Disease: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention (A/B testing; hypothesis testing)
- Movie Classification (linear regression; k-nearest neighbors)
- Stat 133
- Analyzing Tropical Storms with Tidyverse Tools (data analysis using R and Tidyverse tools: ggplot2, dplyr)
- Retirement Withdrawal Simulator (Monte Carlo simulation)
- U2 Discography Text Analysis (word frequency and sentiment analyses)
- AI/ML stuff
- NLP stuff
- Custom browser extensions for personal use (for now)